S-Mark Business Solutions is your Apopka, FL 32703, 32712 Business Telephone Systems Dealer, Hosted VoIP System Agent and Telecommunications Consultant, covering all of Central Florida and representing providers throughout the US.
Contact us if you need any of the following:
Thank you for visiting. With all the choices available, and all the advertising and sales messages you receive, it's difficult to know which telephone system, phone service or Internet configuration is right for your company. With changing technology and features, companies often need help determining whether it makes the most sense to use a premise-based phone system (PBX), a hosted VoIP system (IP/PBX) or a hybrid solution? Additionally, In an ever changing environment, you may ask if is it more advantageous for your business to rent or purchase phone equipment.
These are just a few of the decisions that business decision makers are faced with. We know that you don't make these kinds of decisions every day, so it's hard to know many of the important factors you should consider. That's where we can help!
In brief, you should know the following about us: S-Mark can help you select the most appropriate equipment, services and pricing structure that best suits your business needs. We have agreements with most of the top providers and our consulting service is FREE to your business. S-Mark will help you muddle through the available options. We never charge a consulting fee and you don’t pay extra for our service. With the wide array of products and services available to us, we won’t try to put a square peg in a round hole. You get the products and services you need at a price you can afford!